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BOM Intelligent Selection Tool
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Supports Excel file compatible formats(*.xlsx, *.xls, *.csv)
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15s complete BOM analysis, intelligent recommend parts, reduce potential risks.
Introduction to basic functions
BOM intelligent selection, recommended alternative parts
  •  AI algorithm based on 200 million components
  •  15s complete BOM analysis, intelligent recommend parts
  •  10 million chips/active devices alternative recommended
  •  AI recommend passive parts, resistors/capacitors/inductors etc.
  •  60 million part models/specifications/packages/Datasheets
  • Material procurement/production risk warning
  •  Component life cycle, stop production/shortage risk warning prompt
  •  30+ BOM material standardization and abnormal warning
  •  Search for replacement models to avoid risks in time
  • Multi-dimensional information, assist design and selection
  •  Provide 60 million part models / specifications / Datasheets
  •  Provide diagrams of part symbol, package size, pad, reference pad etc.
  •  Provide part 3D models, simulate PCBA assembly simulation
  •  Intelligently mark the contact surface of the part to pre-check the production process risk
  •  Assist electronic engineer in efficient design and selection
  • Open Part Datasheet Library
  •  Open 50 million part Datasheets for free
  •  Quickly search Datasheets by part number
  •  Free download of Datasheet files
  • BOM Procurement
  •  Real-time prices, stock levels, lead times
  •  Quickly estimate BOM cost for a given batch quantity
  •  Quickly export BOM quotation files to local
  •  Compare original BOM and AiPCBA quotes line by line
  •  Provide one-stop BOM procurement service, 24 hours-7 days, fast quotation and delivery
  • Learn more about one-stop BOM procurement service >
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